How to Clean Generator Carburetor?

Regularly maintaining a home standby or portable generator will increase its efficiency. Since they are not used often, you will need to ensure that it works properly when needed. If a generator is kept unused for a long period, you could face certain power issues in the carburetor.

To avoid this, you will need to ensure that the carburetor is cleaned properly. However, removing the carburetor and then cleaning it is not easy for an inexperienced person. The carburetor has several small parts that need experienced hands. You could lose any part or even forget the right place to put it.

There is a way to clean the carburetor without having to remove it. You also need to know the right time to clean the carburetor and the ways to prevent any problems. You need to keep an eye on certain signs, which will help you decide the right time to clean the carburetor.

Why Should You Clean the Carburetor?

Most carburetors have ethanol fuels that lead to moisture build-up. This needs cleaning since it could lead to corrosion both inside the carburetor and fuel tank. It is not suitable to leave the ethanol fuel in the engine for a long duration. It evaporates, and a sticky residue is left behind, which leads to the clogging of the carburetor.

When you do not operate the generator for a long time, you need to clean it before using it again. The sticky residue prevents the carburetor’s proper functioning, which means there could be some temporary issues. Instead of having to address those issues, you need to prevent this problem.

Signs That Tell You That Carburetor Needs Cleaning

If you are inexperienced in this field, you may not realize that your carburetor needs cleaning. This could damage the generator in the long run. Even if you want to get your generator cleaned by a professional, you need to know when to call one. Here are some common signs that will help you realize that the carburetor has to be cleaned.

  • You are unable to start the generator even after multiple tries. It may make sounds, but it will not start no matter how much you try. This could mean that the carburetor is dirty or clogged.
  • When the generator runs, it does not function smoothly but emits smoke.
  • Fuel is seeping out of the bowl vents and leading to spark plugs getting wet. This is due to the carburetor getting clogged, which has lead to fuel overflow.

How to Clean Generator Carburetor?

If you do not remove the carburetor, you cannot clean all the parts. For efficient cleaning, you will have to drain the carburetor completely and then check if all the passageways are clear. However, if you are not sure about removing it, you will have to depend on a good cleaning product that could remove carburetor residue.

There are different types of products that you could use, like one that you could spray and another which you can add to fuel. If the clogging in the carburetor is not extensive, then these products could help clean the residue. No matter which type of product you buy, the manufacturer may have added some instructions on using them.

If you cannot clean the residue with cleaning products, you need to remove the carburetor completely. This would ensure that the whole carburetor is cleaned thoroughly. However, it is best to hire a professional if you are not capable of the job.

Summing Up

Cleaning products may help you in the cleaning process but up to a certain extent. You will have to remove the carburetor for effective cleaning, but you should place it back properly. It is best to depend on a professional who is experienced to handle these tasks. However, you need to ensure that the carburetor is cleaned properly before you start your generator.

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